EMT Corporate Ratings Up BBB+

EMT Corporate Evaluation Rating BBB+ Upgraded_NICE Evaluation Information 

■ Enterprise evaluation grade was calculated by comprehensively evaluating the following items.

The credit analysis results of EMTOMEGA Co., Ltd. are presented based on the latest data, the financial statements for settlement on December 31, 2021, and the credit rating standard data prepared on April 20, 2022.
▷ Stability Analysis
   Stability analysis requires consideration of equity and debt ratios.
   EMT's equity ratio is 73.37%, and its debt ratio is 36.29%. (Industrial average equity ratio 53.68% and debt ratio 86.29%)
▷ Liquidity Analysis
   In order to analyze liquidity, the net operating capital turnover and liquidity ratio must be considered.
   The EMT's net operating capital turnover is 9.92 times and the current ratio is 398.90 percent. (Industrial average capital adequacy ratio is 3.79 times, current ratio is 150.73%)
▷ Profitability Analysis
   In order to analyze profitability, we need to consider total return on capital and financial cost versus sales of financial costs.
   Total return on capital of EMT is 14.65%, and sales to finance is 0.20%. (Industrial average total return on capital is -0.22%, and sales to finance cost is 1.60%)
▷ Growth Analysis
   To analyze the growth potential, consider the growth rate of sales, which evaluates the growth rate of the company's operations, and the growth rate of total assets, which assesses the overall growth rate of the company.
   EMT's sales growth rate is 13.79% and total asset growth rate is 10.33%. (Industrial average sales growth rate is -10.82% and total asset growth rate is 5.07%)
▷ Activity Analysis
   In order to analyze the activity, the turnover rate of total assets to evaluate the efficiency of capital utilization and the turnover rate of accounts receivable to assess the recovery rate of accounts receivable should be considered.
   EMT's total asset turnover ratio is 2.04 times, and accounts receivable turnover ratio is 21.10 times. (Industrial average total asset turnover ratio is 0.69 times, accounts receivable turnover ratio is 4.58 times)